School Profile

The first school, established in 1910 in the Marbury community, was a three-teacher school. By 1917, a building was built for the high school, and the faculty had increased to seven with fifty students. A grammar school building that stood near the cemetery burned in 1919. The high school became accredited in 1919. In 1930, a new high school was built in the location of the present Marbury Middle School. In 1934, some wings were added to the building to accommodate grammar school students. Grammar school students had previously attended classes on the second floor of the old bank building. Many students walked to school while others rode the train to get to school. On March 3, 1993, a tragic fire destroyed the sixty-three-year-old school building. A new school was built in the same place to house the Marbury High School and Marbury Elementary School. This school was completed and opened in September, 1994. The new school included a computer lab, a science lab, and a media center in addition to the new classrooms, elementary gym, and office space. In August 2001, the elementary grades were rezoned to Pine Level Elementary School. In August 2010, the high school moved to a brand new facility and the old building became Marbury Middle School. Marbury Middle School presently houses grades 6 through 8. Presently the school employs 44 faculty members and has approximately 450 students. The school now has three computer labs (2 Dell labs and 1 Mac lab), one computer in each classroom, and 28 computers in the media center; all of which are networked and Internet connected.
We, the Faculty of Marbury Middle School, believe:
That students learn in different ways and at different rates, each with unique needs; therefore, we will continually evaluate each student’s needs and develop lessons that promote the learning process.
That learning occurs when a student is comfortable and secure; therefore we will institute a program in which he/she may find continued success.
That the skills of reading, oral and written communications, and mathematical computation are basic to each student’s development; therefore, we will give basic skills their needed emphasis in our curriculum.
That the curriculum should be a constantly changing pattern for learning; therefore, we will continually reassess student needs in order to amend and vary the curriculum.
That students learn best when there is a respectful congenial relationship with concerned teachers; therefore, we will be professional in dealing with our students.
That the school organization should be flexible enough to meet individual needs; therefore, we will be open to new ideas, programs, and learning experiences that will aid the student’s learning process.
That the school organization should seek to utilize the resources of community organizations and concerned citizens to implement school plans and school evaluation; therefore, we respect the ability and desire of parents to assist their children in accomplishing educational goals. We also seek to involve parents as members of the educational team.
That the school and community should cooperate in serving the basic needs of the students; therefore, we will present the skills and concepts needed to live constructively and productively in our changing society.
That community should provide support resources for training and employment opportunities for leadership; therefore, we will provide the framework for interaction within the community.
Our school philosophy and objectives were written by the faculty, administrative staff, and community-parent representatives. Our objectives were re-evaluated and can be modified to meet the needs of the students in a constantly changing society.
The faculty is in agreement with the purposes of the school and feel that the purposes are clearly defined and stated.