Susan Daniel

English Language Arts 6


Courses Taught:

English/Language Arts 6

Beta Club Sponsor

Theatre Arts




  • Graduated from Prattville High School- 2000
  • Troy University- Adolescent Psychology- 2000-2002
  • Graduated from Auburn University- 2002-2005 B.S. in Early Childhood (P-3); B.S. in Elementary Education (K-6)
  • Highly Qualified Certificate-Praxis-2005

Work History:

 2000-2005 Ms. Cindi's Learning Center, Preschool; Kindergarten

2005-2009 Pine Level Elementary, Sixth Grade Teacher

2009-present Marbury Middle School, Sixth Grade Teacher, Beta Club Sponsor, Theatre Arts 

About Me

First and foremost, I am a mother of three amazing children. They have grown up in the Marbury community and attend Marbury Middle and Marbury High School.  I enjoy traveling, music, and spending time with my family. I have a cat named Ruby, a kitten named Blue, and they rule the house. LOL This is my 19th year teaching, and I can't imagine doing anything else. I'm excited about this school year! Roll Tide and Go Bulldogs!! 

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